Alright, we’ve got a boat that’s right. God is at least what’s wrong with you. Give him your point instead of praying with him.
You hit the cycle, believe it. He’s out of your delights now. Counter-culture.
You don’t know what counter-culture means? How’s it going? Counter-culture. The ideas? Anti-socialism? So everybody does this? this, I’m going to be that. If the culture goes this way, the norm is like this, I want to do it this way.
Jesus is totally out of culture. If life is good, just keep doing what you’re doing. If you’re satisfied with how things are in your life, just keep doing that.
If you’re not, there’s always a different way. The word, the way things work in Jesus’ life, Jesus is like, we’re going to follow and do something different. We’re getting really good, really good example of that today.
So, the last time we were here, Jesus woke up really early in the morning without the pray. I’ve been knowing that it’s out before sunrise. So, probably 4 a.m. So, he’s out there praying.
And they come out chasing. They say, Jesus, you’ve come back and a bunch of people want to see you. They’re looking for you.
A point of need to be that fishers and men. So, Peter’s all excited in case all these people are together. Look, Jesus has got all these people come here and talk to these people because I’m not going to do it.
We’re going to come somewhere else. Jesus took complete control of his life. He didn’t let anybody else control.
He didn’t even pray for it. No to do it. Jesus took control of his life.
Peter said, I want to do this. He said, no, I’m doing that. Because he’s out in the bushes praying, talking to God.
We’re going to think, if Jesus is God and he’s praying, who’s he talking to? It’s kind of weird. If he’s God and he’s praying to God, who is Jesus talking to? What’s he doing? I’ve got a kind of rational like that. And what we understand that is we are one person.
For example, I’m one person, I’m a dad, I have kids. I’m also a kid because I have a dad, but I’m also a teacher because I teach sometimes. Or I call for a modest teacher.
So my dad, I’m a son, and I’m a teacher. One person, there are three of them. That makes sense, right? They only want to meet him.
I do three different things. And sometimes my dad calls me up and says, hey, Billy, can you come over and sit with me? Okay, dad wants me to come. But then my daughter said, hey, dad, will you take me out for you? No, I won’t.
So now that dad has to take the daughter out, the son has to go hang out and sit there. So there’s two of me, I’m completely. But then I have to show up over there on Sunday at the 11th.
I got to go there. So I got three things I have to do because there’s only one of me. So I have to go figure out how I’m going to do it.
That’s what Jesus is doing on his brain. He’s out up on the mountain. He’s out on the side of the sea trying to think, how can I run the universe and still be friend of these people and still be here trying to teach.
He’s got to figure that out. And while he’s gone, he should have everything in his mind. He doesn’t have anything to figure out.
How does that work? How can he be gone? Not that anything to figure out. That’s an interesting problem because Jesus is only God but he’s also a human. Now, how is he not? See, that’s what we’re trying to discover.
How can you be fully God and be fully human at the same time? Because we want to be like a fully human. Well, for Jesus he took priority to try and sit and figure things out. But we know there’s that Jesus respects everybody.
We’re going to see a really, really, really good example of that. This is a huge problem that we have in our culture. Especially here in America.
We have black versus white, liberal versus conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, straight versus gay. That’s everybody’s battling with each other. And Jesus can’t seem to get what he respects every time.
He doesn’t mean he approves other than that he respects everyone. I was working at Stanford football game leadership. I get hired maybe in security.
And some bad guy comes in and wants to shoot somebody out of the window and stop. They ask me to do that. And the guy I was working with yesterday, he moved like his arms about the size of your leg.
He’s the next corrections officer. He used to work in a prison to keep riots and all that sort of thing. But there’s been the two meetings over there doing that.
I know that we could not be more different. He’s black, iron, white, and he sits on the side of a political divide. I’m on that side.
But yeah, we still have to work together to protect. Using Jesus’ respect for him. Jesus teaches us how to find the balance.
And then of course, Jesus actively fights evil. He can’t stand that fight against the devil. So, no interesting thing about what we do.
We let Jesus control everyone. We prioritize time with God. We respect everyone.
But then we uphold those people. Those are the things that Jesus wants us to do. All right.
Now, you guys don’t feel like singing big guy. No. I don’t usually think I’m going to sing with you.
Well, I’m going to teach you another song. I’ve got to notice something. This is what we look at.
We’ll just sing it or not. Okay, I’ll sing it just don’t laugh. And you’re feeling it.
But your hands only before childhood, the God was a voice of crying. Your hands only before childhood, the God was a voice of praise for dinner, for praying dinner. The God was a voice of crying.
Praise him. Praise him. The God was a voice of joy.
Salt. Out of the sauce. Who wrote most of the songs? That’s why King David is next to us another song by King David.
It’s a heart-wrenching song. It’ll rip your heart out of it and think about it even. But that’s interesting.
So David was like, King. He was like the dude. Everybody respected him.
And he’s number one dude. And that’s all of those things. He wrote this one.
There’s a song for himself. This song that we want, right? Creating a clean heart or God. So this heart that we come during.
Something this song. It’s a dirty tune to money after his heart. So now he’s praying.
It’s a song for prayer. Creating a clean heart. Fix my heart.
Renew a spirit. Give me a light spirit. Something is wrong with my spirit.
Please make it. You can’t do it better. Do not cast me away to throw away.
Like fish and casserole. Cast me not away from your present. Do not throw me away from it.
David is afraid of being thrown away from my heart. So what could he possibly have done? For him it takes my heart to serve me. I need to be fixed.
And I dare you not to not throw away. Right? Don’t take your whole spirit from me. Let me feel like I can be saved again.
Give me a new spirit. Give me a new spirit. What could David do? To make him feel so good.
And that is vastly wrong. Your right was one of his top generals. Your right was his top generals.
And while your right was at the fighting, David steals his wife. He can train his top generals. But that’s kind of a messed up idea.
But then, instead of trying to develop us, he sends your right out to be killed. He gets his chance of killed. He’d be trained in that role.
He’s the general killer. And then steals his wife and makes him feel so good. And after he did not, this is what he’s saying.
That’s all. He realized. Okay.
Before that, not going to do the king do all the messed up stuff. He got found out. Who’s now you’re not? The names that made him the boss.
You’re the one who did all of that. So not only was he the king, he couldn’t cover up all of the sins. And then when he got found out, he felt so bad.
This is the song. He looked like it. Creating the themes are Henry Newer’s life spirit within me.
Creating the themes are Henry Newer’s life spirit within me. Creating the themes are Henry Newer’s life spirit within me. And now still my relationship with the Quescoegate Jesus.
The THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE The the THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE The the the the the THE THE THE THE the THE THE AND. I think we can feel the thing that’s part of it. We can start as a platform anymore.
We can go get away. Great software is all. All right, let’s start.
Great. Great. 5. We gotta ask how to push this.
We’re going to make this side of the bed. So I understand. We don’t drive home anymore.
We don’t drive home. We don’t drive home anymore. Do what.
Do what. We can drive home. We just cars travelling in.
We just cars travelling in, This is the next session, seriously, not for the weaker part, but we’re going to talk about the other part. All right. You know, it’s always the last way back.
What? What does repost? You look like you’re ugly, ugly. I don’t know. But when you get beyond ugly, you get repost, it is so ugly, you want to back away from it.
And you think there’s something that is reposting. You know in my life, I was in high school, and I said, it’s simple. I’m shaming you.
Now, at the time, there was a class ahead of us. There was a girl who had no hands. She didn’t have these perfects of her hands.
She had no skin on her back. I just didn’t grow up, so her hands didn’t grow. And so it was just like a nudge at the end of her.
And her skin was all deep, and it flaked her in her wing. And this is, we used to call her a handle. She looked like a handle.
You know, when you cut the handle off, now you got to just go with her new hand in there. It’s going to look like that. And we used to call her that.
But she was a year ahead of us. She was my brother, you know, when she was in her history class. And so, no, I was her friend.
No, I was in our hands far away from her. I could. Nobody would touch her.
Nobody would sit by her. Nobody would. She just wandered through the school hall by herself.
Couldn’t pick stuff up like this. But maybe it gets worse than that. First of all, I have an ugly family.
You saw this athlete. I got something other than the voltage. That’s me boss.
What’s other than the voltage? I got it. Let me stall in the world. That was pretty ugly.
That’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end, that’s the end.