Here’s Levi’s name, Matthew, Levi says, it’s Jewish name, Matthew is his Hebrew, this Greek name, so Matthew and Levi are the same person, and there’s something about Matthew that we know, maybe we don’t know that we know, Matthew wrote the number one book, more people have read the book of Matthew than India, because the Bible, of course, is the number one book in the world, the New Testament is read by more people than any other part of the Bible, because you go into a hotel, there’s a Indian Bible, there’s more New Testament translations now to the world than there are any other book, all of their books combined, and I compare it with multiple New Testament, and the first book in the New Testament is Matthew, written by this fellow, this fellow wrote that first book in the New Testament, that is read by everyone in the house, anywhere else, the son of Alfie is not born, sitting at the text collector.

Matthew or Levi was a text collector, not only if you’ve written the number one most read book in the world, he’s also the most hated person, he’s the most hated person in the Jewish culture, and you got all sorts of bad people, right, I like this politician, I like this, whatever, when you write, who gets hated the most in the Jewish culture is the text collector, and the reason they get hated so much is because he’s Jewish, but he works for the Romans, so the Romans hate the Jewish people, all they want from them is to give me some money, they collect their taxes, and then Matthew went to work for people who hate him, the Romans hate him, all his Jewish family hate him, because he doesn’t even, he works for them, he works for the bad guys, so he works for the bad guys, the bad guys who hate him, and so he’s hated from both sides, and not only do the Romans hate him, but do his family hate him, he’s also a cheat, because when he collects taxes from people, nobody knows how taxes to be, if you’ve ever seen the tax manuals, they’re so stupid and complicated that normal people can’t figure it out, so they have to depend on a specialized tax budget, well, if you don’t know, they were cheated, they were cheated, they were hired, they were hated by his family, they were hated by him, everybody hate him, and Jesus chose this person, he chose this person to come and follow him, it was a graph how stunningly profound this is, what?

I mean, he could have walked into a red light, you know, a red light was cuteness, it was like a prostitute, etc, so when I was in the need, we were going to towns and then there was always places where the sales would run around, but inside the town, we always ran around, it was always in district, where you knew what was a different type of red light on, and that’s where the sales would drift, because that’s where all that kind of stuff, the drugs and the girls and all that, and the gay, all that stuff would happen in there, and so, it is worse for them to go to a tough level, then to go into a red light between them, and there’s where Jesus goes, as I’m going to tell you all about God, God’s and we can hang out with God, and he gets to do that in the, how is the text like?

He’s not, they’re looking at Jesus like he has lost his marbles, are you kidding me? You are that person, nobody, nobody likes them, no, they don’t dislike it, they hate it, they despise him, but all, they were going to have that right, and we know how we call it, so they were interested in that, then they were going to the textbook, and yet Jesus walks up to the textbook, and we do, they don’t think you’re following me, there’s no way this guy could be the Messiah, because the Messiah would not ask, so Jesus said it was just, you know, I’m going to go over here and just follow along, okay, this is a much stronger word, following me, I want you to come in, the people, the Pharisees, the religious leaders, the priests, all these parts, but if you hang out with the pastor, you’re going to turn out to be the chief, if you hang out with bad people, you’re going to be bad.

Jesus turns out to be the chief, if you hang out with bad people, hang out with me, they’re going to turn out, because he was a pastor, and he could cheat this in luck, he gave that all up instantly, and went after Jesus, he was more and more and more, and that, why would he do that? We don’t know the answers, why he did, all we know is he made it.

Matthew, Levi, who writes Jesus to his house, that this would be like the homeless, and go setting up a homeless camp, and you’ve got people who are just filthy, scunding, dirtying, and diseased, infested, and sore, and you’ve got men and women from all sorts of, you know, what they’ve done today, you know, where they’ve been, you know, just how filthy they are, and they put up a can with the fire that rose the green, and they’re all sitting around there, and that’s what you’re having dinner tonight, and Jesus joins them, once it’s cold, you’ve got to have a dinner out here, and you’re most winged in them, dying of kingdom, and all of that, and he goes and does that, so I’ll hang out with you guys, and that, and then in this idea of having to be super with, right, they’re just having dinner, and you’ve seen pictures of this where they lay down together, they lay down together and have dinner, you know, Jesus goes and lays down, and they lean on each other, and they bum around, and they’re just having a good time, and this hated person’s up, they’re not going to do that.

Jesus' Ministry Among the Outcasts

More people than they do. The only thing worse than it’s one task, are many task makers. You guys don’t want people to get a whole pile of people in all the sinners.

Sinners, you know, of course, you’re doing what I’m doing, sitting out, that’s what I think. But these are the people, so there are people who are cleaning, like, we’re cold, and you’re not cold. You know, we were not cold, or whatever, you were dirty.

These are the people who are anybody who is not like them. They were the marginal ones. They were the ones who were left outside of everything that went on.

You know, we kind of imagine, sadly, somebody’s showing up here, driving in, pulling up car, hair, and fuzz, and everything else going on, you know, so lonely with souls all the way. But I had one sitting outside of my house yesterday morning, Jesus sitting there rooting for her bag like this, and I’m thinking, why should I hear her from the house? Well, we couldn’t do that. That’s what I came to a reason why I was a dinner, a picture of them back in the mirror, which we have that mindset at least, I will give them money and maybe I will send them to her.

I will take something to them, but don’t come to mind. Jesus, for me, to those people, that no one does want to handle this, and they need money to hear it. And they hate to do that.

Indeed, the type of disciples, Peter, Jane, and John, he’s out of it and be, oh, good. I’ll be good. What about people who are going to think? And that’s who Jesus is going to live.

So these are the Pharisees, these are the chief priests and lawyers who fight for them, the Bible, all that kind of stuff. These are all the, the healthy actually, the cool. We know what God wants us.

We’ve been telling you how to live for them. They ask Jesus the disciples, what’s he doing? He’s handing out the stick of a finger. What’s he doing? Jesus hears that.

He doesn’t ask that question. Any response? He’s not bringing it about. I can remember getting this completely wrong while I was into that.

This was why he made a very good Christian. This person is a teacher. And people were respected.

They made a good Christian. That’s so kind of completely wrong. That’s completely wrong.

Those are, it’s not the good people that need fix it. It’s the bad people. It’s not the solid people who need fix it.

It’s the broken people that need fix it. This is what I’m not. I shouldn’t, I had this and this is over again.

I don’t know if it’s appropriate. I don’t know if it’s appropriate. So I had a story on this.

I’m not sure I’m going to do this whole thing. It’s a whole variety of things to do. There’s a completely missing doctor.

I can’t wait to go. It’s easy. It’s a sentimental Christian issue.

It’s the only thing about that. And I’m asking from a. I’m really good at this. He started his mission in India at the same time because he did things right.

This is a story. This is a real person, I think. If I were to die, I would have had to fight Trump, and he’ll stay.

And my house will follow, kills his mother’s death. He’ll tell us who to do it, if I were to give him, I trust him. I know these people, of course, they’re just absolutely incredible people.

I believe you can say Jesus loves you. I believe Jesus loves you. I just believe Jesus loves you.

And it’s different. You know, with the same words, same tone, but with Jesus, I have people. It’s like, it’s weird.

It’s not almost, it’s not miraculous. We just have, there’s a power that comes with, and it says, it’s incredible how it works. I believe, it’s like, right after the World War of One, but it’s kind of a long story.

But after the World War of One, the wars over the English people have taken over India. And there’s an old lady in the Midwest, an old white lady in her mid-60s. She decides, nobody even knows her name, but she decides.

She wants to be a missionary. A 65 years old culture of grandparents, like 60, 70 years old, right? She’s like a grandmother. A body wife, I think, grandpa’s dead, and my kid is ready.

I’m going to go to India. But if I should kill me, the boy is off. She goes.

He’s on a boat. Go, go, go, go, go. It’s all the way to India.

Set up shine. Has no clue what she’s doing there. She just shows us.

She goes. So she’s sitting in her lower house. I’m going to go.

Well, while she’s sitting in her house, down on the street, there’s a school where other missionaries set up shop. They’re trying to teach Bible to little children. And they hire a teacher, a young woman, who’s a Muslim.

Not a Christian. They hire a Muslim to come down to the school. But this woman is a young mother who’s teaching at the school.

Besides, she wants to become a Christian. That’s what he does. She goes home to tell her parents that she had become a Christian.

But her parents find out what she did there. And they take the baby and throw the baby out to find out. They take the woman’s clothes and throw them outside the car.

And they refuse to learn it. This woman and her little baby, they toss out. Well, the woman doesn’t know what it looks like.

So she takes up her little baby. She walks five, six, eight miles to the house with this old lady. The one woman just shows up and says, put the baby on the woman’s horse there, walks away.

And even the baby with this old woman walks away and dies. She gets tetanus, she gets infected, and death. So now this old lady has this little baby.

What she faces on the baby up. Baby gets older, older woman dies. The baby just lives up in the ground.

And that’s it for the woman. Well, this man, this boy that she raises, gets married, has a kid. And that kid, this boy says something.

Three generations. You’ve got baby or two generations. Baby, son, grandson.

Five days, grandpa, the baby who was abandoned got this old woman’s horse there. The woman never saw what happened. Her grandson never saw what happened.

But her grandson launches a continuation. Now, I’m going to pick a few of these over here. I take one brand.

This is a two weeks ago, three weeks ago. This is not the only thing you need. You need to have a thousand tons of tons of things that they do.

They started a hidden church online. He preached it on Sundays online in Facebook. 1.3 million people showed up.

1.2 million, 1.5 million, 1.3 million people showed up from here in Facebook. As a result of this old woman just showing up, taking the baby, raising the baby, so the baby became married, so the baby could have a baby. Now, the story is better than that.

The question is, how did our baby and his mission get to this 1.3 million people on a weekly basis? Our story, how through this approach, I don’t know if I know this. The way they grew their mission, they would grow up into the village of England. Children.

Who can solve this?

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