Jesus interacted with Peter’s mother-in-law, not only healing here but restoring her dignity and giving her purpose back. No, Jesus wasn’t being demeaning by allowing her to serve them again.
He himself was a servant. No doubt, Peter’s mother-in-law was delighted to be able to show them hospitality. Jesus not only healed her body, he made it possible to get back to doing what she did best.
Jesus cast out demons and here he sent sickness on its way as well. Jesus was engaged in a cosmic battle and he was winning on all fronts. All that went wrong with creation, Jesus aimed to make right again.
Jesus was God. Fully man and fully God. In that Jesus was God, when he prayed, who was he talking to?
I liken this to me being one person. However, I am a father. I have three children. I am also a son. I have a father, and a mother. (Had). I am also a writer. Peck, peck, peck.
Suppose my father called me (if he were still alive) and said he wanted me to take him to the doctor. At the same time, suppose my daughter called me and asked me to pick her up from school. To complicate things more, I have a deadline to get a writing project done.
How to balance these three demands on my time is a conundrum I need to solve. So, I sit and think about it till I figure it out
That is what I think Jesus is doing when he prays. He is the Creator of the universe, but he has imposed limitations on himself when he became fully man. Yet, he is also a rabbi to his followers. How to balance all those demands is something he needed to ponder regularly. So, he went off into isolation to figure out what to do next. He talked to himself. He prayed.